• Connecting Identities to Blockchains
  • A decentralized oracle network that securely and reliably enables smart contracts to access off-chain identity or credential-related data feeds and web APIs.
  • What is zkMe Identity Oracle?

    zkMe Identity Oracle is a decentralized oracle network that enables smart contracts to securely access off-chain identity or credential-related data feeds and web APIs. This means that smart contracts can interact with external data in a secure and reliable manner, making them more useful for a wide range of applications.

zkMe Identity Oracle is a decentralized oracle network that enables smart contracts to securely access off-chain identity or credential-related data feeds and web APIs. This means that smart contracts can interact with external data in a secure and reliable manner, making them more useful for a wide range of applications.

Build a more secure and trustworthy protocol

As an individual

  • Take control of your digital identity and privacy.
  • Protect your personal information and interactions with Web3 protocols.
  • Verify your identity-based data securely and privately.

As a Web3 protocol

  • Eliminate bots and fake accounts instantly.
  • Comply with upcoming regulations by performing zkKYC.
  • Verify users’ zk-credentials and unlock new possibilities.

What Data Feeds can zkMe Bridge to Blockchain?

  • Demographic data






  • Personal data


    Credit score


    Social security number

    Biometric data

    Phone numbers

    Physical address

    Email address

  • Web2 data

    Online purchases

    Browsing history

    Web2 platform achievement

    Communication patterns

    Social media (Twitter / Facebook / YouTube)

    Game status


    Search engines

Why Choose zkMe Identity Oracle?

    • Privacy first

      zkMe allows identity reputation to be cryptographically verified in a privacy-preserving way directly on-chain, which triggers trustless execution or action.

    • Reliable

      Use decentralization, trusted nodes, premium data, and cryptographic proofs to connect highly accurate and available data/APIs to any smart contract.

    • Seamless connection to any API

      Build on a flexible framework that can retrieve data from any API, connect with existing systems, and integrate with any current or future blockchain.

    • Multi-chain

      zkMe identity oracle is blockchain-agnostic and supports all blockchain networks, updating at each chain's native speed and cost. It provides a standardized interface for smart contracts to send messages across blockchains with a single method call.

    • Scalabilities

      zkMe Identity Oracle is designed to be highly scalable, with a flexible framework that can retrieve data from any API, connect with existing systems, and integrate with any current or future blockchain.

zkMe Identity Oracle Web3 Gaming Use Case

  • Next Generation Web3 Gaming

  • Traffic and Engagement

    Increase traffic and engagement.

  • Fair Play and Anti-Cheat Mechanisms

    Ensure fair play and implement anti-cheat mechanisms without compromising privacy.

  • Trustless Trading and Marketplace

    Facilitate trustless trading of in-game assets and tokens in decentralized marketplaces.

  • Skill-Based Earnings

    Verify players' gaming status in GameFi platforms that reward players based on their skills or achievements.

  • Secure Asset Ownership

    Establish ownership of in-game assets like NFTs without exposing owner's identity, reducing the risk of targeted attacks or theft.

  • Cross-Game Interoperability

    Seamlessly merges web2 and web3 gaming data, providing a comprehensive view of player behavior across ecosystems.

  • Privacy-Preserving Gaming Status

    Enable players to prove their gaming status without revealing their identity, maintaining player privacy and data security.

zkMe Identity Oracle Use Cases

  • zk-credit score based credit loan

    zkMe Identity Oracle can be used to develop a credit scoring system for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. This system could allow individuals to obtain credit loans without the need for traditional credit checks or collateral.

  • zk-identity DAO management

    zkMe Identity Oracle enables new decision-making and governance models for DAOs. By accessing off-chain identity data feeds, DAOs can assign voting power and delegation based on relevant expertise. This ensures that those with the most expertise have the most influence, resulting in more effective decision-making and governance.

  • zk-gaming status

    zkMe can create more transparent and secure gaming experiences. With zkMe oracle, users could prove their high scores and achievements in a verifiable manner. This would enable new gaming models that prioritize fairness and transparency, and allow gamers to earn money in new ways.

  • zk-identity social network

    By using the oracle to access off-chain identity data feeds, developers can create a decentralized social network that prioritizes privacy and security while allowing users to connect based on shared interests or attributes and maintain control over their personal data.

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